[b-greek] Re: More quibbles re: usage of TOU + Infinitive in Gal 3:10

From: Steven R. Lo Vullo (doulos@chorus.net)
Date: Mon Dec 04 2000 - 00:25:43 EST

On 12/3/00 9:06 PM, Mark Wilson wrote:

> Perhaps seeing the Future used as a "logical consequence." If you get X
> done, Y must follow. Almost as we learn in Logic:
> If A then B
> A
> Therefore B
Hi Mark:

I think EN AUTOIS as a modifier of ZHSETAI needs to be taken into
consideration in this regard. I take the phrase in an instrumental sense
("by them"), since in the context the antithesis is between obtaining
justification and life "by faith" (EK PISTEWS, v. 11) and "by law" (note EN
NOMWi in v. 11, which is roughly parallel to EN AUTOIS in v. 12). So I think
the thought differs from that of consequence. Rather, the one who is
successful in *performing* the works of the law will live *by means* of
them. Perfect obedience to "all that is written in the book of the law" (v.
10) is viewed as the means by which life is secured, rather than a fact of
which life is a consequence.


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