[b-greek] Re: hOUTOS/EKEINOS - GENEA

From: Daniel Buck (dbuck@briercrest.ca)
Date: Mon Dec 04 2000 - 17:12:00 EST

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Iver Larsen [mailto:alice-iver_larsen@wycliffe.org]

> A study of the word GENEA as used by Jesus shows that the
> semantic range of GENEA has
> little overlap with the modern English term "generation". It has
> more in common with
> the verb "generate". GENEA in and by itself does not have the
> time element of
> referring to what is contemporary. In some contexts the time
> element is present, in
> others it is not. The common meaning in the NT, as I understand
> it, is "a group of
> people with a common characteristic." It is derived from the more
> basic sense of "a
> group of people generated from a common source or person."

I would be interested in hearing thoughts on the use of this expression in
the author of Hebrews modification of Ps 94 LXX in Heb 3:10, where he
substitutes hOUTOS for the reading EKEINOS from the LXX. Is this merely
stylistic conformity to a stock phrase in the NT culture, or is the author
(note the non-use of a personal pronoun, hedging) making a theological
statement akin to the usage in the gospels.

Dan Buck

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