[b-greek] Re: hOUTOS/EKEINOS - GENEA

From: Harold R. Holmyard III (hholmyard@ont.com)
Date: Mon Dec 04 2000 - 21:24:36 EST

Dear Dan,

First, Iver's idea (that "this generation" in Matt 24:34 refers to the
disciples of Christ in all generations) seems unbelievable to me, out of
line with the use of the phrase "this generation" elsewhere in the Gospels
This is not a phrase that Jesus would be likely to use in a new way without
some qualification beyond what we find.

You ask:

>I would be interested in hearing thoughts on the use of this expression in
>the author of Hebrews modification of Ps 94 LXX in Heb 3:10, where he
>substitutes hOUTOS for the reading EKEINOS from the LXX. Is this merely
>stylistic conformity to a stock phrase in the NT culture, or is the author
>(note the non-use of a personal pronoun, hedging) making a theological
>statement akin to the usage in the gospels.

I do not think that it has to be either. Could not use of the near and far
demonstratives in Greek be comparable to their use in English? Sometimes it
does not seem important whether I use the word "this" or the word "that" in
a certain sentence. My choice may hinge on the sound of the word in the
context, that is, on incidental matters. If I am not making an explicit
contrast between "this something" and "that something," I may not
particularly care which of the two words I use.

                                Harold Holmyard

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