[b-greek] Person Dexis Mk 11:27-12:12

From: clayton stirling bartholomew (c.s.bartholomew@worldnet.att.net)
Date: Tue Dec 05 2000 - 14:43:17 EST

UBSGNT/3 breaks Mk 11:27-12:12 at 12:1 to set apart the parable, but the
person dexis (i.e., pointers to discourse participants) show us that this is
all one narrative event.

Mk 11:27 reintroduces a group of familiar participants hOI ARCIEREIS KAI
hOI GRAMMATEIS KAI hOI PRESBUTEROI. Mark had already warned us about these
guys (cf. Mk 10:33, 11:18) but now they are actually introduced as

From Mk 11:27 - 12:12 these participants are *never again referenced with a
full explicit noun phrase. At the end of the discourse segment, in Mk 12:12
we have *several instances of zero anaphora making reference to our good
the lowest level of person dexis (i.e., zero anaphora) at the end of this
section ties the discourse together into a unit by indicating to the reader
that these are the same guys we have been talking about all along but have
not named explicitly since Mk 11:27. If Mark had chosen to use a full noun
phrase to point to these guys in Mk 12:12 the discourse cohesion/continuity
would have suffered since the reader would not have been alerted to the fact
that these participants were already/still present in the narrative.

Clayton Stirling Bartholomew
Three Tree Point
P.O. Box 255 Seahurst WA 98062

* the following list of the person dexis for hOI ARCIEREIS KAI hOI
GRAMMATEIS KAI hOI PRESBUTEROI in Mk 11:27-12:12 was put together with
great haste so I suspect a few errors might be found. The main point however
is illustrated by the list.

Mk 11:27 ELEGON - zero anaphora
Mk 11:29 AUTOIS - pronoun
Mk 11:29 APOKRIQHTE - zero anaphora
Mk 11:30 APOKRIQHTE - zero anaphora
Mk 11:31 DIELOGIZONTO zero anaphora
Mk 11:31 hEAUTOUS - pronoun
Mk 11:31 EIPWMEN - zero anaphora
Mk 11:31 EPISTEUSATE - zero anaphora
Mk 11:32 EIPWMEN - zero anaphora
Mk 11:32 EFOBOUNTO - zero anaphora
Mk 11:33 LEGOUSIN - zero anaphora
Mk 11:33 OIDAMEN - zero anaphora
Mk 11:33 AUTOIS - pronoun
Mk 11:33 hUMIN - pronoun
Mk 12:1 AUTOIS - pronoun
Mk 12:10 ANEGNWTE - zero anaphora
Mk 12:12 EZTOUN - zero anaphora
Mk 12:12 EFOBHQHSAN - zero anaphora
Mk 12:12 EGNWSAN - zero anaphora
Mk 12:12 APHLQON - zero anaphora

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