[b-greek] Re: Machen for the 3rd Millennium

From: clayton stirling bartholomew (c.s.bartholomew@worldnet.att.net)
Date: Thu Dec 07 2000 - 13:37:25 EST

on 12/07/00 9:53 AM, Carl W. Conrad wrote:

>> Machen aficionados now have an opportunity to move into the next Millennium
>> without changing their teaching methodology. All of this has been provided
>> by the publishing of:
>> TITLE: Primer of Biblical Greek
>> ISBN: 0802846289
>> Publisher: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company
>> Publish Date: 1 August 1999
>> Author: N. Clayton Croy (Author)
>> Binding: Paperback 264 pages
>> List Price: USD 18.00
> Well, at least the price, although still several times more than it's
> worth, is not so obscene (I think it was over $50.00 the last time it was
> discussed) and may reflect a bit better what it costs to produce it.


CBD sells it for $12.95.

I should clarify that this book does not overtly claim any connection with
Machen. The similarity to Machen just jumped out at me when I was looking
it over. The pedagogy seems to be identical. The language of this book is
more simple and less stilted than Machen who was writing for a very
different kind of student (i.e., men who had studied Latin in grade school).


Clayton Stirling Bartholomew
Three Tree Point
P.O. Box 255 Seahurst WA 98062

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