[b-greek] Re: 1 Cor 15:54

From: Mark Wilson (emory2oo2@hotmail.com)
Date: Thu Dec 07 2000 - 22:00:16 EST



>Could you help me with 1 Cor 15:54: KATEPOQH hO QANATOS EIS NIKOS. How
>would it be correct to translate EIS NIKOS: as "in victory", or "to (for)
>victory", or somehow else?

Perhaps the least qualified, I would nevertheless offer this suggestion:

KATEPOQH "to drink or consume"

Used metaphorically with "death," I would understand the metaphor to picture
some action or event (death) that has been "eliminated" (as such, it ceases
to occur).

I wonder if "expended" might work as well?


Wallace indicates that EIS can be used in the place of EN. Perhaps EIS is
used (instead of EN) in keeping with the metaphor.

So, if we take EIS as MEANS (a function common with EN), then we would get
something like:

"Death has been eliminated by means of a victory."

That's my attempt,

Mark Wilson

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