[b-greek] Philo Index -- and other tools

From: Maurice A. O'Sullivan (mauros@iol.ie)
Date: Fri Dec 08 2000 - 07:19:11 EST

This excerpt from a Brynmawr Classical Review e-mailed out yesterday may be
of interest to some list members.

The review deals with:
Peder Borgen; Ka=re Fuglseth; Roald Skarsten, <i>The Philo Index: A
Complete Greek Word Index to the Writings of Philo of Alexandria</i>. Grand
Rapids, The Netherlands: Eerdmans, 2000. Pp. 371. $62.00. ISBN

[ The review should be posted to http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/bmcr/ within a
few days ]

It is somewhat ironic that this beautifully-produced index, the most
satisfactory ever produced for Philo's corpus and by far the easiest to
use, should be overshadowed even as it comes to print by the promise of a
yet more satisfactory electronic version. In their introduction detailing
the history of the concordance project, Borgen, Fuglseth, and Skarsten note
that their electronic database "contains much information that is not
easily represented in a printed edition." One can, for instance, search
electronically for alternative lemmata (A)GH/RAOS rather than A)GH/RWS) or
for particular text-forms such as the verbal adjectives mentioned above. A
key-word-in-context feature presents each token use with a fixed amount of
context before and after, making it possible to scan through all the uses
of a word and select quickly those that are of interest. It is to be hoped
that recent advances in web-interface technology will enable the University
to offer a WWW version (perhaps with user fee) in the near future, web
access being at this point easier and more generally applicable than either
a MacIntosh- or PC-formatted CD-ROM. In the meantime, those who have access
to the TLG database have the excellent option of using the new print index
in combination with various kinds of TLG searches. One can then rely on the
lemmatized format of the index to verify that one is finding all instances
of a word while taking advantage of the computer's capacity to perform
interactive and Boolean searches and to display the context of uses which
look to be of particular interest.<<<<<<<

Maurice A. O'Sullivan [ Bray, Ireland ]

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