[b-greek] Re: Principal Parts

From: Sylvia Schmitz (Sylvia.Schmitz@t-online.de)
Date: Sun Dec 10 2000 - 11:31:31 EST

Thank you for the answers. I had already found the below mentioned website, but
as it was not written in the original Greek letters, I could not read this. In
the meantime I have received an off-list answer, that answered my question.

Sylvia Schmitz
Mainz, Germany


Carl W. Conrad schrieb:
> At 1:12 PM +0000 12/9/00, Maurice A. O'Sullivan wrote:
> >At 22:31 08/12/00, Carl W. Conrad wrote:
> >
> >>Rod Decker has a list of principal parts in a PDF file at his web site but
> >>when I tried to open it I found it did not have the embedded Greek font.
> >
> >As this file [ available at:
> >http://faculty.bbc.edu/rdecker/documents/prin_prts.pdf ] is s .pdf file,
> >there is no question of "embedded fonts" or " dynamic fonts" as some
> >browsers refer to them. A .pdf file is actually a graphic file -- hence one
> >cannot do a search on the text. [ However, I see that the latest version of
> >the Adobe Acrobat reader v. does have a "search" item on the menu --- but
> >this relies on the compiler of the file to have included an index within
> >the .pdf file. ]
> >
> >Another great advance with version 4.05 of Adobe ( for Windows at least )
> >is this:
> >
> > >>accessible to the blind and vision impaired. Please see
> >http://access.adobe.com to download or for more information.>>
> >
> >Rod Decker's file is nicely laid out -- ironically the parts, in a "normal"
> >font are actually marginally clearer than the 'present' which is in "bold".
> Yes, I've just checked it out again and find it shows up the font (Mounce)
> on my computer at home, where I have Mounce installed in the system--but it
> didn't show up at the office, where I don't have Mounce installed. I also
> found that the font has been removed from Mounce's web-site at teknia.com.
> I agree that Rod's form is nicely laid out and has large characters; it
> does not, however, have as many of the irregular verbs that I think one
> ought to learn, and I personally think that it's worth learning the verb
> roots with the verbs so that one can relate them to cognate nouns; that's
> why I've added the roots to my listing of the principal parts.
> --
> Carl W. Conrad
> Department of Classics/Washington University
> One Brookings Drive/St. Louis, MO, USA 63130/(314) 935-4018
> Home: 7222 Colgate Ave./St. Louis, MO 63130/(314) 726-5649
> cwconrad@artsci.wustl.edu
> WWW: http://www.artsci.wustl.edu/~cwconrad/
> ---
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