[b-greek] Re: hINA TI + ind.? (LXX, Ps. 41:6, 10)

From: Steven R. Lo Vullo (doulos@chorus.net)
Date: Mon Dec 11 2000 - 10:22:56 EST

On 12/11/00 8:10 AM, Carl W. Conrad wrote:

>> NT examples: Mt 9:4; 27:46 (Ps 21:2); Lk 13:7; Acts 74:25 (Ps 2:1)); 7:26;
>> 1 Cor 10:29; 1 Cl 4:4 (Gen. 4:6); 35:7 (Ps 49:16); 46:5, 7; B 3:1 (Is
>> 58.4). W. EIS TI' why and for what? D 1:5. Bl-D.#299, 4. Moulton &
>> Milligan. s.v. hINA.

In a previous post regarding Rod's question I said that there were no NT
instances of hINA TI. This was because I failed to search for the conflated
form hINATI that Carl brought to our attention above. Sorry for the


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