[b-greek] Re: ellipsis in Rom 3.8

From: Steven R. Lo Vullo (doulos@chorus.net)
Date: Mon Dec 11 2000 - 22:03:45 EST

On 12/11/00 8:07 PM, Wayne Leman wrote:

> According to the book "An Index of Implicit Information in Acts-Revelation,"
> by Ellis Deibler, (publisher, SIL, website: www.sil.org, see the available
> books section), p. 36, Rom. 3:8 has a missing expressed step in the logical
> argument (your "ellipsis"), namely,
> "_if that objection were valid_, why not ..."
Yes, I think something like the above gives the sense in English. What I am
looking for, though, is the verb (including mood) and any modifiers in
Greek. I am diagramming Romans in Greek, and so want to add the ellipsis in
order to achieve coherence in the diagram.



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