[b-greek] Re: Luke 2:2a, final questions

From: Alan B. Thomas (a_b_thomas@yahoo.com)
Date: Wed Dec 13 2000 - 20:00:45 EST


i) This is the census, the first one (of two), that
occurred when Q.

ii) This is the census (the first one) that occurred
when Q. was Governor.

You may want to consult Dr. D. Bock's commentary on
Luke. He prefers something similar to yours. I think
his translation is,
"This is the first (of two) census..."

So, I think both of your translations would be
acceptable. Someone had mentioned the Comparative use
of PRWTH as well-attested.

Dr. Wallace does not interact with your earlier
concern with the definite article, but I really do not
think it would make any substantial impact. "This
census" or "This is the census" are two ways of
referring to one thing.

I can imagine someone today referring to President
John Adams, and then adding a parenthetical (Quincy)
to indicate to those familiar with the Presidents of
the U.S. just which President s/he had in mind.

Some mention that Luke was too accurate of a historian
to be confused about a census. But actually, Luke was
a contemporary of these events, so he was not writing
as a historian (no more than a 75 year old person
today would be if s/he wrote of the great depression).


Alan B. Thomas

"the questions that rose out of the depths of the mystery
of Job were answered only by a deeper mystery....
that of God Himself." (Elisabeth Elliot)

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