[b-greek] Re: Machen... / Online

From: Roe (d.roe@t-online.de)
Date: Mon Dec 18 2000 - 17:02:44 EST

For those who aren't convinced by the great price on Machen's grammar
(which Paul Felix posted a few weeks ago; attached to bottom of this
post), Machen is now online at the Christian Classics Ethereal Library:


There appears to be a couple ways to view the pages: as a scanned image,
or as searchable Html text. Only 70-some of the almost 300 pages have
had the scanned text corrected. CCEL relys on volunteers to correct
their texts, with the motto "if everybody does a page or two..." and
they have the software to do it online.

I'd do some Machen myself... (and might later), but in the meantime have
committed to correct some of Schaff's Encyclopedia with German
footnotes... ;-)


D.W. Roe
Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany

Paul Felix schrieb:
> For those of you interested in a great price on Machen's work, check out the
> following link:
> http://www.trinityfoundation.org/ammo/closeup.asp?ID=60
> The hardback version is $16.95 and the paperback $10.95. The print looks
> identical to the original edition (it doesn't appear to be a photocopy).

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