[b-greek] re: Modern Greek, a summary and a new direction

From: Charles Grebe (charlesgrebe@home.com)
Date: Mon Dec 18 2000 - 23:32:02 EST

> c. point 'b' could lead to a KOINE GREEK list, where the main rule would be
> that communication would all be in Greek.
> (maybe someone could give some direction from esperanto experience? or
> modern latin use?)
> Such a list would need a host site (I have nothing to offer personally),

I may be able to host it.

> technical backup (nothing to offer), and

I may also be able to offer some technical expertise although my skills
are limited. What would we be looking for - a normal mailing list? Do we
want to get beyond this transliterated Greek that is used on this list?
With my level of Greek, using a Greek font would make reading much

Charles Grebe

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