[b-greek] Re: Greek software

From: Carl W. Conrad (cwconrad@artsci.wustl.edu)
Date: Wed Dec 20 2000 - 08:32:03 EST

At 8:01 PM -0500 12/19/00, Alan Kurschner wrote:
>I am brand new to this group and look foward to see how things are
>conducted here and sharing ideas. I do have the following question:
>I am looking for an excellent Greek software program that will allow me to
>use a lexicon, pronunciation, search the NT Greek text, and improve my
>Greek vocabulary. I would appreciate it very much if you could direct me
>to a software program(s) that I could purchase and use for my intermediate
>and advanced studies which contains at least these minimal features.

This will depend in part upon what platform you're using. Personally, I
think the best is what you can find at

The GRAMCORD Institute (a Washington Non-Profit Corporation)
Prof. Paul A. Miller, Executive Director (scholars@GRAMCORD.org)
2218 NE Brookview Dr., Vancouver, WA 98686, U.S.A.
http://www.GRAMCORD.org (360) 576-3000 [FAX 503-761-0626]
Computer-Assisted Biblical Language Research (Windows & Mac)

Here you'll find materials on CD-ROM available for both Windows and Mac:
Gramcord is the Windows program, AcCordance the Macintosh program that use
the same biblical text databases (Greek, Hebrew, and a broad range of
vernacular versions in several languages) and auxiliary materials (lexical,
grammatical, etc.). I've been delighted with AcCordance--I think it can do
some things that Gramcord can't, and I have known of people primarily
interested in Biblical studies who have switched to Mac just in order to
use AcCordance. Demos of both are available at that site. I might add that
AcCordance can use the text-to-speech capacities of the Mac to speak the
Greek text (and presumably the Hebrew text as well), although there's the
problem of widely differing standards of pronunciation for Koine Greek,
about which we have recurring battles--er, discussions on this forum (you
won't even have to dig back far in the archives to find the most recent

Proponents of LOGOS and other Bible software programs will no doubt have
their own input into this. I do think you can get most of what you are
wanting on any of these three programs I've mentioned.


Carl W. Conrad
Department of Classics/Washington University
One Brookings Drive/St. Louis, MO, USA 63130/(314) 935-4018
Home: 7222 Colgate Ave./St. Louis, MO 63130/(314) 726-5649

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