[b-greek] Eph. 2:2

From: Ed Gorham (aekalm@a-znet.com)
Date: Wed Dec 27 2000 - 09:53:14 EST

There is probably a simple explanation for this, but it evades me at the
Eph. 2:2 - In what is usually translated as a three-fold description of
Satan and the world-system/course of this age, three phrases are employed.
The first two terms are accustative (TON AIWNA...etc., and TON
ARKONTA...etc.)while the third is genitive (TOU PNEUMATOS..etc). It would
seem on the surface at least, that PNEUMATOS is in apposition to the end
of the previous phrase, TOU AEROS, or THS EXOUSIAS TOU AEROS.
So, I guess the question is twofold: is it appositional, or would it be
genitive for another reason? Second, if it is in apposition, I'd like to
hear some thoughts on how you might interpret the meaning here.
Thanks in advance.
Ed Gorham

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