[b-greek] Re: Vocabulary lists

From: Patrick Narkinsky (patrick@extremehope.org)
Date: Wed Dec 27 2000 - 12:18:38 EST

Dr. Decker,

Is there any chance you would be willing to share the database you
mention below? I am currently looking at making a "greek vocabulary
drill" web page, and such a database would save me a tremendous amount
of data entry -- it would save me so much work that I would probably
actually finish the project rather than just dream of it.

The page would be exceptionally dynamic, and would offer the ability to
get automatically drilled on (for example) 100 words a day. Further, it
would remember your progress, and only drill on words that were not
already learned. It would, of course, be freely available to the public
at large. My "other job" is as a professional web designer, so given
the database I could do this pretty easily.



Patrick Narkinsky Director Spiritual Growth

Hope Comunity Church http://www.extremehope.org/
Rodney J. Decker wrote:

> Since a number of people on this list have found them useful, I
> thought that I should note that I have just posted new, updated copies
> of my vocabulary lists. The changes are minor. No words have been
> added. I corrected one (English) spelling mistake; fixed a breathing
> mark; and corrected the entries for POTE/ and PO/TE (which were
> reversed).
> Descriptions and links are as follows (if anyone has linked to them, I
> think the file name of the second one is slightly different that
> previously):
> Intermediate Greek Vocabulary
> <http://faculty.bbc.edu/rdecker/documents/gk3vocab.pdf>
> (130k .pdf file) This document contains all NT Greek words that occur
> 27 times or more in the NT, sorted by frequency. It is the vocabulary
> assignment schedule that I use in teaching the first semester of
> second year Greek, but it may well be of use to others as well. This
> file was output from a database that I've created and contains the
> Greek word, actual frequency, card number in Gromacki's Vocab. Cards,
> and an English gloss. As to "Why 27x?"--here's why: in my first year
> classes students learn words occurring 50 or more times in the NT. In
> second year they review all these words in two large chunks at the
> beginning of the semester and then learn 25 new words per week for 9
> more weeks. [Note: I have just posted an updated, corrected copy of
> this file. 12/27/00]
> Basic Greek Vocabulary
> <http://faculty.bbc.edu/rdecker/documents/elgkvoc.pdf>
> (84k .pdf file) This document contains all NT Greek words that occur
> 50 times or more in the NT, sorted by chapter in Mounce's Basics of
> Biblical Greek. It includes the same info as the previous listing in
> the same format. [Note: I have just posted an updated, corrected copy
> of this file. 12/27/00]
> (These descriptions from my NT Resources page; see URL in sig. below.)
> ****************************************************
> Rodney J. Decker, Th.D. Baptist Bible Seminary
> Assoc. Prof./NT PO Box 800, Clarks Summit, PA 18411
> rdecker@bbc.edu http://faculty.bbc.edu/rdecker/
> XNS Universal Address: =RodDecker
> The *Resources for NT Study* site is accessible at:
> http://faculty.bbc.edu/rdecker/rd_rsrc.htm
> ****************************************************
> ---
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