[b-greek] Re: Bible Software

From: Noel & Mary Fitzpatrick (njfitzpatrick@eircom.net)
Date: Sun Jan 21 2001 - 14:15:28 EST

I also am interested in Greek bible software. Some time ago I
sought information via the list about BibleWindows and got very
encouraging replies. I bought a copy and am very pleased with it.
It coupled with the CD included with 'Basics of Biblical Greek' by W
D Mounce may meet Alan Kurschner's requirements.

Best regards,

Noel J Fitzpatrick.
Noel & Mary Fitzpatrick
16 Granville Park
Co Dublin

Phone: 353 1 2893851
e-mail: njfitzpatrick@eircom.net
website: http://homepage.eircom.net/~njfitzpatrick/njf.html


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