[b-greek] BDAG help, please.

From: Mark Wilson (emory2oo2@hotmail.com)
Date: Mon Jan 01 2001 - 19:15:20 EST


Looking through my new BDAG, I ran across some
Greek "abbreviations" that I am a little confused about.

I think they are the interrogative and indefinite pronouns, but
some of them seem a bit awkward to me, and at times, when I would
have expected TIS, BDAG uses "someone." There must be something
I am overlooking.

Here are a few examples:

2. to find well-being or inner security, find rest, comfort,
support TINI in someth.

Does this mean to support "someone" in something (some endeavor)?

1. to cause to be seen, show, point out TINA TI someth. to someone

This usage is hard for me to understand. Are TINA and TI to be taken

What has contributed to my confusion is a definition like:

1. pert. to a position in front of an entity, before someone or someth.

In this example, they do not use a Greek pronoun for "someone"?

Thank you,

Mark Wilson

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