[b-greek] RE: Interlinears, Analyticals and E- Bibles

From: One of the McKays (musicke@ozemail.com.au)
Date: Sat Jan 06 2001 - 08:32:57 EST

My 2 cents worth [which is now a little more than 1 cent US, except that
our lowest coin in Australia is now a 5 cent piece, and 1 and 2 cents are no
longer legal tender.]

I got back into my Greek when I read about BibleWorks. Sounded like such a
great program, I bought an I Blame Micro$oft computer and got rid of the old
Atari 1040ST.

I find the concordance features in electronic Bibles very helpful. You can
do stuff so much faster than with a book. I think having an instant
translation and parsing of a word is helpful, as is being able to browse
several versions at once.

But, when I get away from the computer and sit with my UBS 1975 edition I
realise that appearances can be deceptive, and I am really still very much a
little Greek.

I think that the computer aids could make people think they know a lot more
than they do. I believe that the computer technology will save you time, but
it won't produce anything instant [which is what we all want!]

Sometimes the programs are not really utilising the technology that is
available. For example, my copies of Parsons Hebrew and Greek Tutor always
deliver the quizzes in exactly the same order. It would have been so easy to
put in a random feature. Why ever wasn't this done?

I think there is a great place for computer technology in biblical studies,
but there is also a time to turn off the computer and work with the codices
and a pencil and paper.

Contra Clay, I think the NET Bible is innovative and is doing stuff I
haven't seen elsewhere. A Bible that is mainly footnotes is a great idea I
reckon [provided they're useful!]
David McKay

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