[b-greek] EN XRISTWi

From: Wayne Leman (wleman@mcn.net)
Date: Sat Jan 06 2001 - 21:49:21 EST

1. What does EN XRISTWi mean? (Pretend that I am a speaker of English who
has not been exposed to the religious dialect of English which freely uses
the English phrase "in Christ" and so I do not comprehend the phrase "in
Christ" but need to hear its meaning accurately in some other terms.)

2. Is there any extra-biblical precedent for usage of the dative <EN + name>
phrasal syntax other than for literal locatives? If so, what semantic role
did the referent of that name have in that extra-biblical usage?

I apologize if this is an old topic. I would be happy to be referred to
previous message numbers if it is.

Wayne Leman
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