[b-greek] Re: John 21 Feed my lambs

From: Harold R. Holmyard III (hholmyard@ont.com)
Date: Sat Jan 06 2001 - 22:56:06 EST

Dear Bill,

You wrote:

>The first question from Jesus was the same question that was posed in the
>beginning: "Do you love me more than these [fish]?"

The NIV Study Bible has this note at John 21:15:

"more than these." May mean "more than you love these men" or "more than
these men love me" or "more than you love these things (i.e., the fishing
gear). Perhaps the second is best, for Peter had claimed a devotion above
that of the others (cf. 13:37; Mt 26:33; Mk 14:29). Peter did not take up
the comparison, and Jesus did not explain it.

The NIV Study Bible also has notes on the other issues. It thinks the usage
of the words for love is too deliberate here to be merely stylistic. On the
other hand, it thinks that the expressions for feeding/caring for the
lambs/sheep are probably equivalent in sense.

                                Harold Holmyard

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