[b-greek] Re: Star of Bethlehem

From: Moon-Ryul Jung (moon@saint.soongsil.ac.kr)
Date: Sun Jan 07 2001 - 22:20:11 EST

> Well, perhaps I'm not being wide-open enough to the possibilities in Koine,
> but I think that without the article before APO ANATOLWN that phrase ought
> to be predicative and construed with a verb rather than with the subject.
> MAGOI hOI AP' ANATOLWN would be more indefinite than hOI MAGOI AP'
> ANATOLWN. If one wanted to be MOST indefinite, one might write MAGOI TINES
> AP' ANATOLWN ELQONTES: "certain (unnamed) Magi, who came from the East ..."

I remember we have reached the conclusion on this list
that adjectives and participles, when they do not have the article in
of them, should be considered predicative unless they are clearly used
as attritutive. Now in the case of prepositional phrases, you seem to
say that they should be always considered predicative when they do not
the article in front of them.

Have I understood you right? If so, why the unsymmetry between
adjectives/participles and prepositional phrases?

Moon-Ryul Jung
Sogang Univ, Seoul, Korea

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