[b-greek] Why One of 1050 members lurk

From: Lewis Twist (Ltwist@leupold.com)
Date: Mon Jan 08 2001 - 04:00:48 EST

One of the reasons I lurk and don't post is-Fear. Most,
if not all of you guys are real scholars in an area of
life I consider to be one or the most important endeavors
of my life-2 Tim. 2:15, and I don't want to stand at the BEMA and tell Him I
didn't rightly divide His Words
because of stupidity and laziness. I'm a volunteer
police chaplain and make my living as a security guard,
and I've spent the last 2.5 years teaching 4 people to read the GNT and have
only recently passed the first semester mark of first year Greek.
Hopefully, within the next couple weeks there will be another class starting
with more police-type people! I glean what I can understand from your posts
and pass it on to my very eager students, but I don't post because I'm
getting all I can handle from your correspondence. When I finish reading
through the GNT this time, it will only be the 6th time, so I don't consider
I've anything to offer more than that being discussed. Please don't bawl me
out for feeling inadequate to post. Your general level of
scholarship and your ability to express esoteric (to most) ideas IS
intimidating, at least to me.

Lew Twist
Security Guard At Leupold
14400 NW Greenbrier Parkway
Beaverton, Or. 97006
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