[b-greek] Re: Why One of 1050 members lurk

From: Steven Craig Miller (scmiller@plantnet.com)
Date: Mon Jan 08 2001 - 08:25:09 EST

To: Lew Twist,

<< One of the reasons I lurk and don't post is-Fear. Most, if not all of
you guys are real scholars ... >>

Not all of us are scholars. I like to participate as much as possible, and
I'm far from being a scholar. I have no post-grad degrees, and my
occupation is "house-husband" (that is, my wife works, while I take care of
children and home). One of the best ways to learn is to have someone more
knowledgeable than oneself to point out one's mistakes, but they can only
do this if you are willing to expose yourself to such criticism. And like
most situations in life, the best way to conduct a dialogue with others is
with honesty. If someone says something which appears incorrect to you, you
don't have to risk being proven wrong by telling that person that they were
wrong, one could instead ask: "But I always thought ... yada, yada, yada.
Do you mean to suggest that this is not correct? Why?" (or something
similar). Actually, I think you will find that most participants of this
list are very respectful of others, no matter how limited their knowledge
of Greek might be. In fact, I believe you will find that most of the more
active participants of this list really love it when someone chimes in with
an easy question, such questions give a nice break from the perennial
mind-boggling problems which often get discussed on this list. So my advice
to you, and others, would be:

Expose yourself!

-Steven Craig Miller
Alton, Illinois (USA)
Old e-mail address: scmiller@plantnet.com
New e-mail address: stevencraigmiller@home.com

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