[b-greek] Re: 1 Jn 4:8 (was: Sorting out the slight distinctions of John 21 Synonyms)

From: Will Wagers (hyle@e-denton.com)
Date: Tue Jan 09 2001 - 11:45:16 EST

>David McKay wirtes: << Virgil said: The further we go into the New
>Testament, the more this distinction is brought to be. Look for
>example at 1 John 4:8 where John makes the awesome declaration that
>actually described AGAPE when he says, " The very God is existing as
>the very ( dative case, singular ) personification of AGAPE." Yes,
>God is AGAPE, hence whatever AGAPE is....it can be seen by looking
>at who and what God is. >>

It was important in the Greek world to make the point that "God is Love",
because, "Love" (Eros) and "Strife" were two "first causes" of Greek

It was also important to redefine eros as agape (or whatever)
to distance the Christian god from the Greek one(s).

Will Wagers "Reality is the best metaphor."

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