[b-greek] Re: L. Berkowitz- Canon of Greek Authors

From: clayton stirling bartholomew (c.s.bartholomew@worldnet.att.net)
Date: Tue Jan 09 2001 - 15:09:40 EST

on 1/9/01 11:04 AM, Daniel Riaņo wrote:

{big snip}

> If you have the TLG CD ROM, you don't have to buy the printed version of the
> canon: it comes within the CD as an RTF file, so that you can export it (or
> parts of it, depending on the kind of license you have) with your search
> program and keep the formatted file in your computer disk. See the specimen
> infra (sorry for the formatted text, but I'd like to be fair to the real
> appearance of the text)

Thanks to Daniel and others on and off list who offered help with this

It would appear that the last edition of this book published was the 3rd in
1990. I would assume that there will be no more physical books published
since it is being distributed on CD. The 3rd edition is nearly 500 pages so
that would be a large RTF file indeed. To make use of it one would need to
convert it to a database which for some people would be difficult. I think
that for $20 I will just hang on to the physical book. It looks like it
could be useful.

Even when you have the a work like this in electronic form having the hard
copy is handy. I have both bound books and e-versions of for LEH, Spicq,
Little-Scott (interm.), Louw & Nida. With the exception of Louw & Nida which
was designed to be an e-version, the others are handy as books.

Until I win the lottery, which isn't likely since I have never bought a
ticket, I will probably not have access to the TLG.

Thanks Daniel for a most helpful answer.

Clayton Stirling Bartholomew
Three Tree Point
P.O. Box 255 Seahurst WA 98062

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