[b-greek] L&N on John 21

From: Steve Godfrey (sgodfrey@irk.ru)
Date: Tue Jan 09 2001 - 21:49:47 EST

Dear Carl,

I am admittedly buying into L&N's general definition of the semantic ranges
of AGAPAO and FILEO while disagreeing with their application to John 21.
The grounds for my rejection are the contextual indicators of John 21 (the
charcoal fire, the 3-fold structure, the delicious shore breakfast), as well
as John's style: as you described it, simplicity masking massive depth. We
agree that John means something by using these synonymns. While your
proposal certainly has merit, it seems to me that being restored from shame
better fits the immediate context, as well as the wider context (e.g. Peter
writing in reflection on this moment in 1st Peter, "shepherd the flock of

With regards,

Steve Godfrey

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