[b-greek] Re: Phil. 3:8 - two questions

From: Mike Sangrey (msangrey@BlueFeltHat.org)
Date: Fri Jan 12 2001 - 11:58:55 EST

emory2oo2@hotmail.com said:
> Could we understand the Middle as we understand a "purpose clause" and
> understand the Passive as a "result clause." That way, the Middle
> reflects the subject's "volitional choice" while the Passive reflects
> a "completely passive" concept. Hence,

> As Middle (purpose), Paul chose or purposed to suffer loss

> As Passive (result), (as a result of his decision) Paul received loss

> This would also include "awareness." As a Middle (purpose), Paul was
> cognizant of the implications of his decision. As a Passive (result),
> the results would befall Paul, even to the extent that he would be
> unaware of the implications of his past choice.

> Any thoughts...in or out of the box :o )

I've wondered if (thinking out of the box, of course :-) the choice of
voice indicates the author's perspective of how the subject is involved
in the action. In other words:
   Active equivalent to `engaged'
   Passive equivalent to `disengaged'
   Middle equivalent to `committed'

This is a good topic, IMO. Thanks!
Mike Sangrey
Landisburg, Pa.
               It's OK to think differently, just think together.
               Sooner or later that will bring out our faults;
               then we can deal with them...together.

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