[b-greek] RE: Greek NT on CD

From: Vincent M. Setterholm (Vincent@zeteotech.com)
Date: Fri Jan 12 2001 - 10:25:06 EST

What pronunciation does Spiros use on his recordings?

Also, regarding pronunciation, is anyone aware of a reference work that
treats the eta in depth? In works of classical phonology, there seems to be
a range from 'like the a in stag' to 'equivalent to the dipthong epsilon +

Are there any serious treatments of Hellenistic Phonology in print (or out
of print, for that matter)? (I notice many authors claiming that, for
example the 'd' sound in zeta dropped out, and theta, phi, and chi became
frictives, but I have not found any reference works that demonstrates when
those changes occured, leaving me wondering if that shift in language really
happened as early as the textbooks claim.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tombivins@aol.com [mailto:Tombivins@aol.com]
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2001 8:00 AM
To: Biblical Greek
Subject: [b-greek] Greek NT on CD

I have seen the Greek New Testament on audiocassette read by Spiros
Zodhiates. But I like the new technology of mp3 CD-ROMs. I can get over 9
hours on 1 CD. This allows me to quickly find a verse and then repeat it.
Does anyone know of an effort to put it on this new format?

Tom Bivins
Orlando, Florida

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