[b-greek] Re: EKKLHSIA

From: Alan B. Thomas (a_b_thomas@yahoo.com)
Date: Sun Jan 14 2001 - 16:17:59 EST


> Au contraire! EKKLHSIA is by no means infrequent in
> the LXX (I just found,
> as I expected, 100 instances of it. EKKLHSIA has, if
> anything, political
> baggage in Greek usage. I would disagree too with
> the notion that "the new
> church was not a 'Jewish' thing; I think that at the
> outset it was very
> much a 'Jewish' thing, and even if the testimony of
> Acts is relatively
> late, yet it is based on sources, of which there is
> also plenty of evidence
> in the Synoptic gospels, that the Gentile mission
> was strongly resisted by
> those who did not want the gospel to go beyond
> Israel.

I am surely in agreement that EKKLHSIA was used
commonly in the LXX, but that was not an issue I
raised. Contra Cindy, the synagogue was a more Jewish
concept, not that other pagans could not use the term,
but they did so by borrowing it.

Conerning the church not being a Jewish thing, I would
just simply add that Paul spent much of his
apostleship demonstrating that "faith in Christ" was
not a Torah thing. Christianity was not a modification
of the first century Jewish religion. (Hence, Paul in
Romans 9-11 discusses the putting aside of the nation
of Israel.) That's really all I meant, and I apologize
for this theological comment.


Alan B. Thomas

"Just think how fast lightning would be
if it didn't zigzag."

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