[b-greek] RE: Rev.22:2

From: RUSSELL RANKIN (rrankin@isd.net)
Date: Tue Jan 16 2001 - 02:48:38 EST


Interesting. The Kurt Aland, and others, Text also breaks v.1 from v.2 but
are not consistent in their use of KAI as the beginning of an new sentence.
I realize KAI can, and does have more than one use, one being a Hebraism
introducing a new thought, anther connecting ideas, and still another
linking a sentence together.

What about KAI in Rev.22:1 introducing v.1 with v.2 as one unit? Then KAI
introducing v.3? The same with v.4, v.5, and v.6 respectively beginning a
new thought with KAI? Verses 1-2 then list the things EDEIZEN MOI ("he
showed me"): river, throne, street, tree of life/leaves? Is this
grammatically possible?

I see that "are" can be understood and have no difficulty with supplying it,
but wonder about other possibilities.

Thanks to you and others for explaining.


-----Original Message-----
From: Harold R. Holmyard III
Sent: Monday, January 15, 2001 9:49 PM
To: Biblical Greek
Subject: [b-greek] RE: Rev.22:2

Dear Russell,

You ask:
>I notice some translations supply "were" in the last of Rev.22:2. Others
>"are". Is there a need for an understood verb in KAI TA FULLA TOU CULOU
>QERAPEIAN TWN EQNWN (and the leaves of the trees for healing the nations)?
>Or is a verb understood by or dependant upon an earlier verb or the tense
>the participles in the context?

The UBS Greek NT editors thought that the sentence ended between 22:1 and
22:2. That does seem a good logical break. If verse 1 was supposed to
continue, one would expect at least a word like KAI ("and") at the
beginning of 22:2. Yet I wondered if there might be a series with three
main items (river of life, tree, no curse: v. 1, v. 2, and v. 3). However
both verses 1 and 3 have main verbs; it seems odd that the middle item in a
series would lack the verb. No, I think that verse 2 should have a verb

                                Harold Holmyard
                                Dallas, TX

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