[b-greek] Re: Meaning of the perfect tense

From: Alan B. Thomas (a_b_thomas@yahoo.com)
Date: Tue Jan 16 2001 - 14:37:01 EST

Mark translated part of Jn 5.24 as

> > "this one has eternal life and does not come into
> judgment
> > why...
> > (because) this one now (concurrent with DC)
> resides in a state of life,
> > having passed out of death."
> >

Part of Cindy's response include...
> While some communication is written or recorded with
> a deictic center related
> to recipients that are receiving it at a later time,
> in Jn. 5:24, the
> intended recipients are present, so I don't think
> that the deictic center can
> be located in the way you are describing. It is not
> really what is meant by
> 'the context of the utterance', which is what deixis
> is about.


Would you expand on this a bit. After reading Mark's
suggested translation, I did feel that it was
addressed to those present at the time of utterance.

I think your suggestion that this is true in an
omnitemporal sense is correct, but what are the
grammatical clues to suggest this?


Alan B. Thomas

"Just think how fast lightning would be
if it didn't zigzag."

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