[b-greek] Is the GNT complete... for now?

From: James Jackson (jajackso@gcfn.org)
Date: Tue Jan 16 2001 - 16:30:33 EST

  If I understand correctly, the only difference between the NA26/USB3 and
the NA27/USB4 editions of the GNT is in the area of variants. Does this
mean that until any further discoveries of Greek texts etc are made, the
GNT as we now have it is complete?
  As an aside, I have been studying biblical Greek on my own for four
years. As such I have been using the Novum Testamentum Graece for my

reading of the GNT. Would someone please phonetically spell out how to
pronunciate "Novum Testamentum Graece" for me?

                        Thank you, James Jackson

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