[b-greek] RE: Rev.22:2

From: Ken Flowers (kflowers@mc.com)
Date: Wed Jan 17 2001 - 09:09:57 EST

In regards to the separation in this verse and in Revelation in
general. I've been working on an idea that John uses markers for sight and
sound to delineate sections (and location) in Revelation, such as "And I
saw," "And I heard," "And he showed," "And he said." So it would not be the
use of KAI that would separate as much as one of these other markers. In
these verses it would be at: 1 and 6, and possibly 4 (although, I have some
thought that these constructs nest, which might account for 4). I haven't
had the time to flesh it all out yet, but for what it's worth.

Ken Flowers
Lexington, MA

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