[b-greek] Re: Acts 9:31 - Church(es)

From: QashishaD@aol.com
Date: Fri Jan 19 2001 - 02:37:34 EST

In a message dated 18/01/01 11:24:24 AM, nstublen@gmx.net writes:

>anyone shed any light on why Acts 9:31 should contain the singular EKKLHSIA
>versus the plural EKKLHSIAI? (I hope that transliteration is correct.)

Neal, the Biblical and early Church reality was that there was only ONE
Church, sometimes spoken of as being "churches" in different locales, but not
as being a pluralities of churches. To speak of "churches" would be like
speaking of "bodies of Christ," just not a Biblical concept.

Dimitri Grekoff

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