[b-greek] Phil 4:13

From: virgil newkirk (virgilsalvage1@email.msn.com)
Date: Fri Jan 19 2001 - 04:43:37 EST

At 6:48 A.M. 1-18-01 Lew Twist with reference to Phil 4:13...which is: PANTA

      Why the active voice? Why the tension between the root and it's
intended use?

       Lew there is the active voice of ISCUW and the active voice of TWi
ENDUNAMOUNTI....I believe we will see there are two different agents doing
the actions. The main verb is ISCUW, there is also the present active
participle ENDUNAMOUNTI whose action is contemporaneous with the main
verb...that is ENDUNAMOUNTI originates, exists, and happens at the same time
ISCUW is happening. Partners in time. And vice versa.

ISCUW....basically means to inherently be strong...to have strength and
ability. When this ISCUW is exercised you have the result. You prevail...up
against whatever.....you have greater strength and influence. That's why we
see Paul not doing all things....but concerning the accusative plural
PANTA....all that he is up against...he present indicative
active...ISCUW...comes off with greater strength than and has a greater
influence over all of such as we see him mention in verse 12, that is, not
having enough and sometimes having more than enough. But, how can this be?
Where does this ability come from or where can it be obtained?

     EN TWi ENDUNAMOUNTI....which we have seen being the present active
participle, is happening at the same time. Here is that infusing of
strength, that enabling, that strengthening that since it is in the active
voice is being accomplished by the TWi ENDUNAMOUNTI... by the "who" that is
pouring the strength in. The who is...may I say undoubtedly...Christ. Christ
is the doer of the action of ENDUNAMOUNTI and because Paul is assuming the
right position and attitude, he is accomplishing the action of the main
verb...ISCUW...prevailing...exerting a greater influence than
whatever...PANTA is happening to him. And the fulcrum of all this happening
is the EN. That is the connection, the pipeline. There is no tension...but
there is connection and partnership.

    Maybe we could read it this way....verse 13 I Paul am coming off with
a greater influence in my life than all these other things can exert on me,
because I am actually in the One and in the continual pouring in of his
ability into me!

   By the way, for examples of how ISUCW is shown in action to mean prevail
see....Acts 19:16, Rev 12:8

   Hoping for value and usefulness...

   Virgil Newkirk
   Salt Lake City, Utah

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