[b-greek] Re: DBAG

From: Roe (d.roe@t-online.de)
Date: Fri Jan 19 2001 - 17:53:36 EST

Garland Shinn schrieb:
> Currently, both Amazon and Barns and Nobel list DBAG for $85.00 plus shipping &
> handling. CBD lists it at $64.95, which appears to be the best around right now.

What a pity B&N they went to list price. I bought mine for $46.48
including standard US shipping.

I think Jim West is right that Amazon is the lowest seller now... But,
not US Amazon. Rather, Amazon UK... at UKPounds 41 plus shipping to US
of 5 UKPounds, totaling about $67.

HOWEVER, they note "This title is currently on order. We expect to be
able to obtain it within a month."

CBD is lowest price, other than Indigo in Canada, which, due to CBD's
value-based (instead of item-based) shipping rate, means a savings of
$1.50 or two over CBD.


To check out prices on books from the bigger online sellers (B&N,
Amazon, BooksAMillion, Powell's, etc) go to:



D.W. Roe
Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany

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