[b-greek] RE: Rev 22:1-2

From: Moon-Ryul Jung (moon@saint.soongsil.ac.kr)
Date: Sat Jan 20 2001 - 02:21:07 EST

Harold wrote:

The idea of a river running down the middle of a street in verse 1, as the
ASV verse division suggests, does not seem highly likely. Nor does the
of one tree of life being on either side of a river. I gather that there
was only one tree of life in Eden. Perhaps there is a forest here, but I
not know that CULON ZWHS can refer to a type of tree, or that CULON can be
generic as opposed to indicating a single "tree." I have not studied the

The idea of a river running through the WIDE street (PLATUS)of the city
seems likely to me. We can understand CULON in a generic way.
Then the idea of multiple trees on either bank of the river makes sense.

But foremost, if we put EN MESWi THS PLEITEIAS AUTHS to verse 1, then
we can respect the pattern that John often introduces a new idea by KAI,
as some indicated on this thread.

Anyway, this is my current thought.

Moon-Ryul Jung
Sogang Univ, Seoul, Korea

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