[b-greek] Re: "He who has ears... "

From: Randall Buth (ButhFam@compuserve.com)
Date: Tue Jan 23 2001 - 04:05:36 EST

egrapsen Carlton Winbery
>This discussion might want to branch out and include Luke 9:44 QESQE
>EIS TA WTA hUMWN TOUS LOGOUS TOUTOUS. You, put these words in your ears!

Good one.

I would like to see people chew over this last one because it is one of
non-Septuagintal Hebraisms**
that are sprinkled around in Luke's gospel.
NT scholarship does not have good explanations of how they got there or
what their significance is.

**non-Septuagintal means not occurring in the Greek version(s) of the
Hebrew bible. Which means that Luke should not be said to be imitating the
LXX at these points, as is commonly assumed/said. Hebraism means Greek
words that match an idiom that is at home in Hebrew.
Non-septuagintalisms should be thought of as a tip of an iceberg, since
Hebraisms attested in the LXX would also be generated by whatever is
causing the non-LXXisms.

Randall Buth

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