[b-greek] Re: BDAG at Rv 3:14 - Christ was the first creation now probable

From: CEP7@aol.com
Date: Tue Jan 23 2001 - 16:59:34 EST

In a message dated 1/23/01 2:36:29 PM, emory2oo2@hotmail.com writes:

<< I notice you give THS KTISEWS a verbal idea (he begins) in your question.
ARCH as "begin" or "beginning" when used of an individual seems odd to me. I
guess I see this as simply: the ruler of God's creation. (How about for hH
ARCH we translate it "the initiator" of God's creation.)

And yet, do we ever find the concept of "coming into being" (as in "being
born") when KTISEWS is used in relation to A SPECIFIC INDIVIDUAL, as opposed
to creation in general?

My thoughts/question,

Actually it is hH ARCH that has the verbal idea. Initiator of creation would
be the same idea. As to your second point, I'm not sure its particularly
relevant since the whole phrase refers to an individual. So it refers to the
first creation or the one who begins creation. The objective gen seems more
likely than the attributed gen.

Charles E. Powell, Ph.D.
(h) cep7@aol.com
(w) cpowell@dts.edu
(h) 972-231-4166
(w) 214-841-3763

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