[b-greek] Re: Rom. 1:7

From: HARRYJ (jharry@szczecin.cc)
Date: Tue Jan 23 2001 - 12:40:32 EST

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Luper" <mluper@emmanuel-college.edu>
To: "Biblical Greek" <b-greek@franklin.oit.unc.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 1:57 PM
Subject: [b-greek] Rom. 1:7

> In looking at the translations and commentaries regarding Paul's
> in Rom. 1:7, I notice that it is always translated in such a way that
> and Peace come from both God and Christ. The Greek construction appears to
> support a reading that could see Grace and Peace coming from God who is
> Father as well as the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. This idea of God
> being the Father of Christ is certainly a Pauline concept (Eph. 1:3), and
> am wondering why the translations and commentaries don't even note this
> possibility. Any ideas?
> Michael Luper, Ph.D.
> Assoc. Professor of Bible and Greek
> Emmanuel College
> P.O. Box 129
> Franklin Springs, GA 30639
> Phone: 706-245-7226; FAX 706-245-4424
> email: mluper@emmanuel-college.edu
> www: www.emmanuel-college.edu/scm
> ---
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I do not understand why the idea of God being the Father of Christ should be
a 'Pauline concept'. It seems to be the teaching of Christ himself ('I am
going to my Father and your Father; my God and your God' - and other
quotatons galore).

Henryk Jedraszczak
Szczecin, Poland

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