[b-greek] Re: BDAG at Rv 3:14 - Translation theory

From: Iver Larsen (alice-iver_larsen@wycliffe.org)
Date: Wed Jan 24 2001 - 14:10:42 EST

Hi, Rolf!

> I think we agree that *meaning* in relation to a word like ARCH can only be
> discussed in an intelligent way in a context of translation theory. I
> define "presupposition pool" as "the common knowledge and understanding of
> the world which a particular group has built on their language, their
> culture, their religion, and their everyday life." A theory dealing with
> translation from Greek to English has to account for the two different
> presupposition pools and the two different situations of communication. I
> have NEVER seen such a theory, and the reason is that translations theories
> are not concerned with the interests of the readers (as intelligent
> participants in the translation process) but only with the interests of the
> translators. Theorists and practitioners have simply given in to the
> "functional equivalence" of Nida and de Ward, and this is to a great extent
> true even for those making more literal translations.

I agree with some of your points and disagree with others, but I assume such
discussions belong to the bible translation discussion list that you also are a
member of or other lists that I am not aware of.

Since you say you have never seen a theory that accounts for two different
presupposition pools I
would like to send you off-list such a translation model.

This topic has been extensively discussed under different names within the last
decade in active Bible translation circles, both SIL and UBS, but this list is
not the place to do so, I think. The kind of translation from Greek to English
that normally appears on this list is classroom translation and is an entirely
different kind of translation than what you find among professional translators.
It is different, because it has a different purpose.

Iver Larsen
SIL International Translation Consultant
Kolding, Denmark

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