[b-greek] Re: BDAG at Rv 3:14 - Christ was the first creation now probable

From: Wes Williams (WesWilliams@usa.net)
Date: Thu Jan 25 2001 - 10:39:38 EST

Dear Iver,

Thank you for the exchange as well. I enjoyed and benefited from your
thoughts. Please post to the board if you ever complete your study on the
LXX uses of ARCH. My study of the use still shows ReSHiYT as the primary
sense even with people, as Dan parker's list demonstrates as well, although
it overlaps with RoSH. I will look forward to it with interest.

As far as BDAG, I find honesty refreshing in theologically loaded verses.
The verse can obviously refer to Christ as the first creation as
"linguistically probable." What is more rare is to find lexicons and
commentaries that admit it, as BDAG does.

I hope that this thread is *merely* the ARCH of many more enriching

Wes Williams

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