[b-greek] Re: "Syntactical Chiasmus"

From: John Barach (jbarach@telusplanet.net)
Date: Sun Jan 28 2001 - 18:22:30 EST

Steven --

You asked about Greek reference grammars. You might check out Nigel
Turner's brief discussion of Matt. 7:6 in Syntax (Moulton/Turner, vol.
3), pages 346-347. He argues for an ABBA chiasm and takes the "they" in
the last line to be the dogs and not the swine.

It's brief, but it's something!



John Barach (403) 317-1950
Pastor, Trinity Reformed Church (URCNA)
113 Stafford Blvd. N.
Lethbridge, AB
T1H 6E3

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