[b-greek] "Syntactical Chiasmus"

From: Wayne Leman (wleman@mcn.net)
Date: Mon Jan 29 2001 - 11:50:01 EST

Virgil, you raise an excellent question, one which others have asked also.
Unfortunately, it goes beyond the focus on the b-greek list. It would be
most welcome on the Bible translation list.

Since you are already subscribed there, feel free to just copy your message
here to there. Just be sure that when you're here, you're not all there
<BG>, since these are two different lists with different topics for

> Wayne, am I understanding you correctly that the bringing into
> another language, forms that are not natural to that language, is
> that was legitimately and successfully done by the New Testament writers
> a number of places in the New Testament? If this is true, isn't this
> borrowing of forms something that can legitimately be done as we struggle
> bring into many different target languages what is emphatically "said" in
> the Greek text


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