[b-greek] Re: Greek Grammars and AGAPH

From: Brian Swedburg (brian@discoveryhills.org)
Date: Mon Jan 15 2001 - 16:07:02 EST

>> I am new to this list, so bear with me. I am currenlty studying Koine
>> Greek on my own (I am currently a Senior in a Christian High School). I was
>> wondering if any of you could give me some "tid-bits" as concernig the some
>> Greek Grammars and Lexicons.

    Also, on a more relevant level, do you beleive that AGAPH and
>> FILEW are two majorly different words. I have read some on both sides:
>> some say no
>> (Gipp) and others say yes. I personally do think there is quite a
>> difference, but I think some people do take it to the extreme.
>> in Christ,
>> Jonathan B. Ferguson
Greetings List,
    Jonathan, In addition to Carl's wise counsel, I would recommend you pick
up a copy of David Allen Black's Linguistics for Students of New Testament
Greek. (Publ by Baker) You seem to be motivated and able to learn this
language, so I think that Blackıs book might begin to help you see some of
what is at stake in the kind of discussion you will encounter attempting to
sort out the meanings of Greek words. If I misjudge your ability to begin
processing Greek with ³baby² linguistics in mind, hold onto the book for a
year and it will make better sense then.

Godıs best to you.
Brian P Swedburg

P.S. I hope that this gets to the list in simple text. Let me know if it
does not.

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