[b-greek] John 20:28/Titus 2:13 and BDAG p. 985 - SWTHR

From: Dan Parker (stoixein@sdf.lonestar.org)
Date: Fri Feb 02 2001 - 15:37:02 EST

Iver said:

> Now, on John 20:28 I have a comment on the use of KAI in
> In Greek KAI has both the function of joining two elements on the same level and
> it has the function of adding a new element or aspect. (KAI can also mean
> "also".) The reason that MOU is repeated here is not that KURIOS and QEOS refer
> to two different entities, but the second description of Jesus as QEOS adds a
> significant new aspect to the first description of Jesus as KURIOS.

What you state has some merit. Note the entry in BDAG, page 985 for SWTHR

        b. of Christ ... (... ;but the presence of KAI Tit 2:13
        suggests a diff. semantic aspect and may justify the rendering
        in NRSV mg.)

Of course, the NRSV margin renders this as two persons being in view. It
is interesting to note that his comment did not appear in either the
first or second editions of the grammar, BAG or BAGD. Perhaps modern
scholarship is becoming more linguistically savvy!

Can anyone add to what BDAG says here with regards to the different
semantic aspect in this context?

> The disciples were used to refer to Jesus as KURIOS. It was almost like "Sir". But
> the second description adds the new belief that Jesus was indeed "God" or if you
> prefer the "Son of God". (Verse 28 should be read in the context of verse 31.)
> The added aspect could be shown in English by "You are not only my lord, but you
> are my God." Because of this additional aspect John 20:28 is more like 3) above,
> and that might help us to see why the pronoun MOU is there.
> Iver Larsen
> Kolding, Denmark
> alice-iver_larsen@wycliffe.org

I am interested in examples which you might show to support your view
here. Harris, Winer, Porter and all the remaining dozens of examples
of this construction provide powerful evidence against your proposition.

It appears from statistic evidence that the possessive pronoun which
precedes the KAI in Smart's constructions intensifies the different
semantic aspect and eliminates the possibility that only one person
is in view at John 20:28.

Dan Parker

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