[b-greek] RE: The structure of the sentence in Eph 1:18

From: Moon-Ryul Jung (moon@saint.soongsil.ac.kr)
Date: Tue Feb 20 2001 - 23:35:58 EST

Dear Dennis, thank you
for your comment on my question.
I thought that nobody was interested in the question.

You said:
NeThe classification of TOUS OFQALMOUS in Eph 1:18 as a D.O. of DWJi, or
somewhat equivalently, as an apposition to PNEUMA, is a defensible
solution to the unusual N.T. construction. A difficulty with such a
classification that is generally appreciated is that the position of
PEFWTISMENOUS appears to be predicate rather than attributive, making it
not quite parallel to PNEUMA.

The above comments seem to indicate that
I have confused you.
(1) I do not think TOUS OFQALMOUS to be an apposition to PNEUMA.
As Carl said, semantically speaking, the whole of PEFWTISMENOUS TOUS
OFQALMOUS corresponds to the spirit of wisdom and revelation.
The "eyes of the heart" itself is not enlightened enough to be
called the "spirit of wisdom and revelation".

(2) My question was syntactical. By carrying forward DWHi and hUMIN
 from the previous clause, we have the following sentence:


Of course, I take PEFWTISMENOUS as predicative rather than as
attributive because of its position.
I wonder if this sentence has a similar structure to the following
English sentence:

(a) I gave him an apple rotten.

I am not sure if this sentence is grammatical in English.

The above sentence would not mean the same as

(b) I gave him a rotten apple.

(3) Even if the sentence of the form (a) is not grammatical,
  would it be grammatical in Greek?

Moon-Ryul Jung
Associate Professor
Sogang Univ, Seoul, Korea

Also, predicate perfect passive participles
are hardly to be found on D.O. in the N.T. (See EXHRAMMENHN in Mk 3:1 for
an exception.) The few other instances that appear to follow that
pattern, such as ANEWiGMENOUS in Acts 16:27 turn out to be indirect
discourse of verbs of perception. The predicate form of the phrase Eph
1:18 seems to resemble an assertion more than an object.

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