[b-greek] Re: Plain Text ASCII vs. Styled Text in AOL

From: L. J. Swain (larry.swain@wmich.edu)
Date: Thu Feb 22 2001 - 11:31:56 EST

Not everyone on the list is on a PC or MAC, some universities, including mine,
still don't support a single program and so a number of folk on this list use pine,
elm, or even heaven forfend SMPT and a dumb terminal. In order to accomadate
everyone on the list, the protocols for the list are to send our messages in plain
text, so that no matter the platform, the program, or the location in the world,
everyone may participate.

From a long time subscriber,

Larry Swain

Dave Washburn wrote:

> I use Pegasus Mail, which gives me the option to use plain text,
> HTML or RTF, but uses plain text by default. A very nice program
> and it's free for the downloading.
> Dave Washburn
> http://www.nyx.net/~dwashbur
> "No study of probabilities inside a given frame can ever
> tell us how probable it is that the frame itself can be
> violated." C. S. Lewis
> ---
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