[b-greek] An inquiry on Greek vocabulary references

From: Carl Marcinik (carlmarcinik@integrityonline7.com)
Date: Fri Feb 23 2001 - 01:54:20 EST

    I was wondering if anyone on the list could make some recommendations
for certain types of references that I am interested in obtaining. I am
basically a "beginning/intermediate" student of (mainly) Koine/Biblical
Greek having
had only a year of NT Greek (and a semester of Hebrew) and having been "on
my own"
in self-study since. I am also beginning to look into the LXX a bit. I have
accumulated a number of both NT/LXX Greek grammars, lexicons, texts, and
Greek-based commentaries. The combined number of references in all of these
volumes is mind-boggling and virtually impossible for me (at least) to even
think of either obtaining even a fraction of them let alone perusing them.
This, then, leads to my inquiry.

One of the references I use frequently is "Vocabulary of the Greek
Testament" by J.H. Moulton and G. Milligan. I very much am interested in
learning about common vocabulary usage/development of Greek words outside
the theological interpretations that are presented in works such as TDNT
(though I do find TDNT useful), etc. It has been some time since "Vocabulary
of the Greek Testament" was published and I was wondering if any kind of
similar (updated) work is available. It does not have to necessarily be in
the form of a lexicon. In fact, I would prefer more discussion over some of
the brevity more appropriate for a lexicon. On the other hand, I like seeing
the extracts from primary sources and am not interested necessarily in
things like "Wuests Word Studies" (though I have not seen it and so am only
guessing). I am looking for a few different references here so I would be
interested in a range of suggestions (including some of the better "user
friendly" works--like Wuests!?!?).

Another, perhaps, quite naive (dumb) question (sorry!). Has such a thing
like a "Greek dictionary" ever been found (or did such things even exist)
that corresponds to the Koine (or even classical) period? Has anyone ever
done something like this for use in place of a Greek-English lexicon? It
seems the more one can think in Greek, the better for truly grasping the
language? Perhaps it is a silly notion, but it has been on my mind for a
while so I might as well inquire about the possibility while I have at least
some of your attention.


Carl Marcinik

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